One BIG Tip.

Once someone gave me One BIG Tip that changed my life forever.  

I was living in Hawaii and it was my last full year there before I would ship off to college.  Living on the Island of Oahu you are never more than 30 minutes away from the ocean.  So, conceivably someone living on my Island could get into the deep blue Pacific ocean EVERY...SINGLE...DAY!! 

I're jealous. 

Coming into the second semester of my Junior year of High school I wanted to make a New Years resolution.  "It's my last full year here, I gotta come up with something good."   Eureka!!!           "I'll get in the ocean every single day!"  365 days in a row, rain or shine, light or dark...I'll swim in the ocean every day before the clock strikes mid-night.

Now, It was December, and I was still in process of getting my license, so I approached my parents about this grand scheme knowing for the first couple months I would need someone to drive me to the ocean.   

When I talked to my dad about this he laughed and said, "OK".  But then He added some advice, a tip, one very BIG tip.  He said, "Jacob, maybe you should come up with a spiritual goal as well."

There it was, the one BIG tip that would change my life forever, though I at the time I did not know how life changing it would be.

Almost immediately I knew what "spiritual goal" I was going to set.  For a while, possibly even years, the Holy Spirit had been drawing my heart to read the Bible.  Yep, grew up in a pastors home but I for sure wasn't reading my Bible regularly.   I pick it up on Sundays and Wednesdays, occasionally read James or Jude or something, but not regularly and NEVER every day. 

My spiritual goal for 2006 would be to read my Bible EVERY....SINGLE....DAY!

I started small.  I had a small book that just contained the book of Proverbs.  So, I began reading, sometimes a chapter, sometimes just a few verses...but the point was I was getting in the Word of God ever single day. Soon, I had read through many different passages in the Bible.

365 Days later I made it.  Not only had I drifted in the cool Pacific, I had read the Bible everyday.

THIS CHANGED MY LIFE FOREVER.  Reading God's Word deepened and sharpened my relationship with Him.  It challenged me and changed me to be a better follower of Christ.  It is what ultimately led me to pursue ministry and attend Arlington Baptist University where I met my wife.  

This one decision was the catalyst that led to what my life has become today.  Without it no Hali, no Tekoa, no college, no Lake Point Baptist (church plant in Ohio), no BRANCHES.              Not even this blog would be written...I'd probably be blogging about what brand of surf wax was better.   So I'd say it was a great tip.  Thanks dad.

So,  Here's a big tip for you....

....Read your Bible and Pray EVERYDAY and you'll grow, grOW, GROW!